Climate in the Pub: SPEAKERS

Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle is possibly best known for its monthly Climate in the Pub meetings.  On many months we have a guest speaker or two for the chosen topic. On other months we have a range of Climate Meetup events: the last year has included a film screening, a "climate (not trivial) quiz night", reports and planning discussions, and yes, "Dirty Dozen Bingo!".  

Meetings are normally on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening. Check our Event Calendar, subscribe to our Newsletter or Facebook group,  or watch out for our Climate in the Pub posters in the area for details.  

Join us from 6.30 for a 7pm start at the Merton Hotel in Rozelle (unless otherwise advertised). Come in good time for a drink and a chat beforehand (or maybe a meal), listen to the experts, ask questions and share your views. 


 Climate Resilience in the Pacific

  (6 November 2024)

The Pacific island nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati are among the most vulnerable to our changing climate, with communities already experiencing higher temperatures, shifts in rainfall patterns, rising sea levels and changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events. Time is crucial, and it is imperative for the world to act fast help save our low lying Pacific atolls from being lost to the one thing that has sustained their communities for centuries – the Pacific ocean. It is vital for the world to hear and learn about climate change, particularly from those who experience the severe impacts at the front line. 

Our talk featured 6 trailblazing climate activists from Kiribati and Tuvalu, guests in Australia of the Edmund Rice Centre, who spoke on their personal experience of climate change and the significant impacts it has had on their communities at a range of levels.

Gitty Keziah Yee – She/Her (25) Communications Officer at Tuvalu Climate Alliance Network (TuCAN) 

Marion Fuasou – She/Her (33)
Project & Climate Change Officer at Tuvalu Climate Alliance Network 

Aselu Vaguna – He/Him 28
Draughtsman at Tuvalu’s Ministry of Natural Resources, Lands and Survey Department

Rabwena Ieete – She/Her  24
Volunteer at Tungaru Climate Alliance Kiribati

Miriam Moriati – She/Her 21
President of Kiribati Rotaract Youth Club 

Robert David Karoro – He/Him 34
Volunteer at Tungaru Climate Alliance (Kiribati)

 Why Methane Matters  (13 August 2024)

Chris Wright - EMBER think tank

Public copy - Aus Methane Presentation, Aug 13.pdf

Click above to view Chris Wright's presentation

CCBR supporter Mary Hendriks followed Chris's talk with a brief presentation on the Global Methan Pledge (signed by Australia at COP27) and on MethaneSat, a global monitoring system controlled from New Zealand.

2024 Methane Matters Intro .pptx

Click above to view Mary Hendrik's presentation.

Methane is a greenhouse gas that traps long wave radiant heat trying to escape.

It matters, because in the short term it is a lot more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide. It may have caused 1⁄3 of the global warming to date, and could cause even more in the next 2 decades.

Up till now, scientists have based climate predictions to the end of the century. But as emissions continue to rise, the short term – 20 years – becomes more significant. In that timeframe, methane traps 80 times more heat than carbon dioxide.


Close to 20% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are methane alone. And these aren’t decreasing. The short-term impact of this methane is equivalent to 386 MT CO2. So effectively, this is greater than our annual emissions from burning fossil fuels, driving things and making electricity (353 MT CO2, 2022).


Australia’s methane emissions come from agriculture, coal and gas extraction, and from waste. More than 50% of total methane emissions are from agriculture. Methane from red meat and dairy account for about 82% of all agricultural emissions, including CO2. 



The government is funding R&D in technologies to reduce methane in red meat & dairy. These include seaweed food supplements, a methane vaccine, breeding programs for lower methane cattle, and methane capture and manure utilisation in factory farms.

However these are slow to develop, expensive to implement, and aren’t as  effective as spruiked.  


Coal mines

Methane emissions from coal mines added 8% to Australia’s direct CO2 -e emissions but according the IEA it could be twice as large.


Australia is the fifth largest producer of coal, the second largest exporter and has the third largest reserves of coal in the world. Australia has the third highest number of new coal mines under development in the world. Most large coal mines are planning to expand or extend their lives.


Coal seams are natural carbon storage reservoirs with 100% efficiency and cost nothing to run. They are also massive stores of methane, embedded in the coal seams. The deeper, and more calorific (or valuable) coal releases more methane when dug up. 

The majority of methane emissions come from underground mines, which are only 1⁄3 of all coal production. Less than 15 mines make up over 50% of reported emissions, creating a clear opportunity for targeted mitigation or closure. Miners estimate their own emissions: 3rd party verification is not required.

Methane from the coal sector can best be reduced by leaving coal in the ground. If mining coal, methane can be captured coming out of a ventilation shaft in an underground mine, or drained before mining, then burned or used for electricity.


Australia has 26 operational coal mine methane abatement projects, mainly flaring projects. Two projects are VAM (ventilation air methane) units, but both remain in pilot stage.  However, mining companies remain focussed on automation, electrification and renewable energy opportunities rather than fugitive emissions. Only one coal mine has been funded for mitigation, Kestrel in Queensland via Powering the Regions national fund ($1.9bn). State funds for mitigation projects are Queensland LEAP ($520m) and NSW Heavy Emitting Industries ($305m). 


Coal mine emissions would need to reduce by 17% a year to meet IEA net zero targets for 2030. Mitigation technologies could achieve 46% of the necessary emissions cuts without reducing mining. (Presumably this figure is different in the context of mining expansion?)


For NSW, the coal sector is an even bigger methane expansion risk, and right now, they don’t even recognise it is.


Meanwhile, locally  the introduction and use of FOGO (Food Organic, Garden Organic) waste bins can reduce emissions by diverting organic waste from landfill to compost. But this only accounts for 11% of all methane emissions.

What can we do about methane emissions.


Reducing methane emissions outside the energy sector is possible in waste where we can press for more progress, but is genuinely challenging in agriculture.  We can ask why Australia is planning to expand coal projects, how its emissions are measured, offset or mitigated, and when it will stop. Numbers people can dive into the data (including available through the Safeguard Mechanism) to help analyse this issue. Activists can push state and federal elected officials, and also local. 

 Is our power poisonous?   Who cares?   (11 June 2024 )

De Newton - Future Sooner

De _Balmain presentation.pptx

De Newton is a campaigner for clean air and water on the NSW Central Coast, the location of  Vales Point & Eraring coal-fired power stations. She explained that NSW coal-fired power stations produce 50 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year. Vales Point alone emits over double NSW’s  officially permitted limit of Nitrogen Dioxide - which is in turn several times more than European limits.

But another problem is the Eraring ash dam, which currently holds 30 million tonnes of coal ash – the end-product of burning coal. Coal ash contains significant levels of arsenic, mercury, lead, and many other heavy metals, harmful to human health. If stored dry, it is liable to enter the atmosphere: if wet, it will enter groundwater.

De quoted alarming health figures. 1142 children presented  to Gosford and Wyong  hospitals with life-threatening asthma, while Cancer Council figures show that Budgewoi has approximately double the incidence of a range of cancers compared with Balmain. Recommendations coming out of a number of inquiries have resulted in no action.

More information on De Newton’s Powerpoint slides.

Future Sooner will hold a Citizens Inquiry on Sunday 25 August, 1pm-5pm, Halekulani Bowling Club, Budgewoi.

The Australian Petrostate :
How the gas industry is conning the nation
(8 May 2024)

Stephen Long - The Australia Institute

Stephen Long Senior Fellow at The Australia Institute, is a highly acclaimed journalist, renowned for his forensic investigative reporting, analysis and commentary.

During a long career he worked as a senior reporter on the ABC’s flagship investigative journalism program, Four Corners, as economics correspondent and national finance correspondent.

When journalist Stephen Long spoke to Climate in the Pub on Wednesday 8 May, his topic could not have been more prescient. He spoke of how the gas industry was conning the nation – and the very next day PM and local CCBR member Anthony Albanese backed in a major expansion of gas production to 2050 and beyond.


Stephen, who is a Fellow with The Australia Institute (TAI), asked if Australia was actually a "petrostate". A map of Australia showed that almost one third of our land mass is covered by petroleum exploration licenses - including nearly all of the Northern Territory, most of South Australia, and extensive offshore areas of WA. But unlike efficient "petrostates" such as Qatar or Norway, Australia allows much of the profits from our gas and oil industries to go offshore untaxed, or taxed at a very low rate.


He pointed to connections between Labor and the fossil fuel industry. For example, Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson approved many LNG export projects, then joined the industry.  Australian gas giant Santos has family connections in the SA government. (Santos is moving into NSW with its plans for the Narrabri Gas project and the Queensland-Hunter Gas Pipeline). In WA, Woodside's  planned Burrup Hub expansion would be the largest fossil fuel development in the southern hemisphere – yet Federal Resources Minister Madeleine ("Mad") King seems to disproportionately influence cabinet decisions in favour of fossil fuel companies and against environmental considerations.


At least 40 CCBR supporters at the Merton concluded the meeting by passing a resolution to send to Premier Chris Minns. We recognise - even if Federal Labor does not - that apparent "shortages of gas" would be better solved by a gas reservation policy and reduction of demand.


Noting that NSW is not on track to meet its legislated GHG reduction targets for 2030 and 2035, this meeting calls on the NSW Government to fast-track the promised Gas Roadmap, with clear gas demand reduction targets out to 2035, helping NSW get back onto a safe climate path. 

How Green is your Money?   (13 February 2024)

Vishad Sharma - Market Forces

Banks and superannuation funds are still supporting coal mining and gas extraction. Is your money funding global heating? A campaign update from  Vishad Sharma - Shareholder Action Campaigner from Market Forces.

32 people were at February’s Climate in the pub meeting. CCBR committee member Ruth Ferrington started the meeting by sharing good news stories:

Then Market Forces shareholder action campaigner Vishad Sharma gave us a detailed account of the various arms of the organisation's campaign to dissuade financial institutions from investing in fossil fuel companies.

The big four banks each have billions of dollars invested in fossil fuels, with ANZ being the worst with $18.6bn invested in fossil fuels since the Paris accord of 2015. A page on Market Forces’ website shows fossil fuel involvement of every bank in Australia, and steps you can take to object.

Super funds came under the spotlight next, with the question “What Future is Your Super Funding?” MF’s website also has a chart showing many Super funds and the extent to which they were exposed to the “Climate Wreckers’ Index” of 190 companies with the biggest plans to expand the fossil fuel industry. Across the board, super funds in Australia had on average 9.3% of investors’ funds in fossil fuels – a total of $140bn. “If your fund isn’t listed, it’s probably good” Vishad said, encouraging people to check, but noting that MF was not providing financial advice.

Another strategy used by Market Forces is to encourage supporters to become shareholders in the large companies and support resolutions at AGMs. It needs 100 shareholders to put up a motion, but shareholders each only need a small shareholding to qualify. Support for such resolutions has grown: typically, from 4% to 10% in a year, and 20% in the case of Santos’ Remuneration report last year. If this were repeated, it would trigger a spill motion, dismissing the entire Board on the grounds that they were failing in their responsibilities.

As a takeaway, Vishad recommended that everyone in the audience should look at their funds, both in banks and in superannuation, and take follow-up action as recommended in the talk and on Market Forces’ website.

Climate, Heat and Health  (15 November 2023)

Dr Lai Heng Foong - Emergency Medicine Specialist

Dr Lai Heng is the Emergency Medicine Specialist at Bankstown Hospital with expertise in Public Health, Disaster Medicine and Climate Change and Health.

She will talk about the dangers of the rising temperatures that are expected as the climate changes, and what measures people will need to take to minimise the health effects.  


In her talk, Dr Lai Heng explained that heat waves are the biggest cause of mortality in natural disasters in Australia - and that climate change is bringing more, hotter heatwaves. She listed the various groups (i.e..the elderly) at greater risk, and explained the warning signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, how to avoid them, and what to do if affected. Extreme heat also affects mental health, the economy and social equity. 

Will Offsets Work? (Tuesday 10 October) 2023

with Roger Cohen (C2Zero)

Roger Cohen is the founder and CEO of C2Zero, an impact focused business enabling its customers to stop polluters polluting without buying carbon credits. He has lectured in risk management to engineering students at the University of Sydney and is a senior adviser at the Monash Centre for Financial Studies. 


Are you puzzled by Carbon Credits? What are Offsets? How are they different from Emissions Allowances? And really, what IS the Safeguard Mechanism? 

Hear from Roger Cohen on how it is all meant to work. (And, indeed, if it will work!) the presentation explained all the terms that are bandied around - and went into the huge variety of ways in which emissions reductions could - or could not - be monetised. 

Decarbonising Sydney (20 September 2023)

with Frank Roberson and Andy Dunne (Ausgrid)

NSW is at the forefront of transitioning from coal to renewables, but Greater Sydney needs to catch up to achieve its 2030 or 2050 emissions goals. Meeting these targets relies heavily on decarbonising the power supply and electrifying transport; if one lags, the other must progress faster. Success hinges on public acceptance, electricity reform and strategic investments in the grid. 


The presentation from the Ausgrid speakers sets out four goals. 

1.Electrify Sydney’s road transport: 

2.Increase uptake of distributed energy resources: 

3.Improve building sustainability: 

4.Accelerate coal closures and enhance collaboration mechanisms: 

View the slides for a wealth of data showing where energy is used, what it costs, and how savings can be made. 

Neighbourhood Batteries: why we need them, what they can do for us   (19 July 2023)

with Margaret Vickers 

MV 19 July CCBR ppt.pptx

Community batteries provide options for energy storage across a neighbourhood, levelling out the supply and demand of rooftop solar energy. How will that work - and what impact would it have on existing grid operations? 

Margaret Vickers, from the recently-formed local Neighbourhood Batteries group explained the three ‘E’s that her group had identified: Energy, Equity and Efficiency. Power is becoming decentralised, and neighbourhood batteries will resolve a lot of problems associated with large and remote infrastructure. In a nutshell, Surplus power from local rooftop solar is harvested, and it is Stored in batteries; Shared by all in the local sub-networ; and Saved rather then curtailed. 

Narrabri: the Challenge for Labor. (9 May 2023)  

with Nic Clyde from Lock the Gate.

Eight new coal expansions are currently proposed in NSW that, if approved, will emit more than 1.5 billion tonnes of GHGs (equivalent to 11 years of current NSW annual emissions). 

The proposed Narrabri Gas Project and associated pipelines represent a major risk to water resources, farmland, nature and the climate.

Will NSW Labor enable the Narrabri Gas Project and approve the biggest expansion of new coal in NSW since the Paris Agreement?

Or will they fast-track the switch from gas and coal to renewables and crack down on methane emissions from coal mining?

CCBR_Labors Challenge_9 May2023.pptx

View Nic Clyde's information-packed Powerpoint presentation here (click on the image).

How much carbon can  a forest hold? (14 March 2023)

with Wilson Harris

Forest presentation Balmain-Rozelle Climate.pptx

Our native forests are valuable not just as ecosystems for native plants and animals, but as sinks for carbon. Drawing on recently published research, Wilson Harris, Forests Campaigner for the Nature Conservation Council, discussed the greenhouse gas emissions of native forest logging, and made suggestions for the policies that NSW needs to adopt to preserve these important areas. 

View the Powerpoint presentation.

Professor David Levinson & Fiona Campbell: Going places, green spaces: Rethinking transport in the Inner West   (13 Dec 2022)

Walk, ride or drive? 

For the final meeting of 2022 we had two guest speakers, whose common theme was how we can organise our lives and neighbourhoods to reduce the universal dependence on cars.

The first speaker was Professor David Levinson, from the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, who specialises in transport networks. Professor Levenson introduced the meeting to the idea of “the 15-minute neighbourhood”. Ideally, it should be possible to reach “valued destinations” from your home within 15 minutes. Valued destinations would be shops, schools, recreation areas, transport links and so on. If people can reach these facilities within 15 minutes there will be healthy levels of participation, leading to more facilities in a positive feedback system.

However, encouraging people to participate in their immediate neighbourhood can lead to more car use and hence more CO2 emissions. What we need to do is cut back the transport component of CO2 emissions, which is currently 18%. The question is how to do that.

He explored a number of solutions. One is to get people closer to their work. More jobs could be moved to the places where people live – the western suburbs, for example. More housing could be provided in the places where there are jobs – like the eastern suburbs. 

Another solution is to make roads friendlier for pedestrians and cyclists. We were shown an image of an Amsterdam street 50 years ago – choked with cars. It was quite startling compared to the quiet cyclists’ paradise that many of us have visited in recent years, and showed dramatically what can be achieved. Along with this, better public transport is required. Sydney is making a start (having returned to trams (or light rail) along George Street), but pre-Covid only 27% of our population were going to work by public transport. Ideally this should be more than 60%.

A startlingly simple way to improve public transport participation is to add staircases and entrances at many stations, making it faster and easier for people from surrounding streets to get onto the platform. In the Sydney train system, there are 44 stations which have an entrance at only one end. 43 per cent more people would be within a five minute walk to a train at Redfern station if it had an entrance at both ends of the platforms.

Other obvious requirements are better and safer biking, through many more dedicated bike lanes than are currently planned, and easier conditions for pedestrians, with pedestrian bridges and more favourable traffic lights.


The theme of bike lanes and improved conditions for cyclists was taken up by the second speaker, Fiona Campbell, who is cycling manager for City of Sydney, but was representing the Better Streets Alliance . She noted that the transport sector produced the second-highest rate of emissions, after stationery energy.  

However, as we have been talking a lot lately about the virtues of EVs, it was challenging to see Fiona’s slide that argued against EVs for multiple reasons. She suggested that EVs weren’t so much about saving the planet as saving the car industry. Simply switching to EVs would perpetuate traffic jams, still create pollution especially from tyre wear and continue to use valuable resources. The new Rozelle interchange, for example, will use 640,000 cubic metres of concrete by the time it is finished at a cost of $3.9 billion; and being so vast it will make it harder for walkers and cyclists to get through that area.

What is really needed, Fiona argued, is reduced reliance on private cars (of any sort), more public transport, and more walking and cycling (including e-bikes).

Read: The 30-minute city: designing for access (David Levinson)

Visit: Better Streets

Chris Briggs: Energy Transition in Australia  (11 October 2022)

View Chris Briggs' information-packed Powerpoint presentation: click on the first slide below.


The guest speaker was Chris Briggs, a Research Director at the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures. Chris has over 20 years experience as a political adviser, policy maker, program leader and researcher at both State and Federal levels. He spoke about the planning process for transitioning away from coal. There are, he said, two key challenges: managing an orderly exit from coal, and the rapid set-up of renewable energy sources.

Progress has been better than you might think: 35% of our energy usage is already coming from renewables. But we now only have 5 to 10 years to achieve what was expected to take 15-20. In fact, he said, it’s quite overwhelming to consider how far behind we are. To get from here to a successful transition will require: 10,000 kilometres of transition lines; maintaining our current record pace of 1 new wind farm per month; and 60 million solar panels, all by 2030. At the same time, we can expect to double our electricity consumption by 2030. This will be the result of phasing out both gas and petrol.

However, we have cause for optimism. One scenario is that we could become a hydrogen super-power, in which case we could be using 100% renewables by 2024 – 2025. Our natural resources are good, and in fact we are the only country that can produce every element needed for the battery supply chain. There is already a strong willingness among energy suppliers to progressively shut down their coal generators, but without a coherent plan some of them are hanging back.

Of course, the other problem is that even now only 25% of the coal we mine is used in Australia. The other 75% is sold overseas, and we have no control over how that is used.

Chris described a “just transition” to renewables, in which our coal communities would be looked after and provided with alternative jobs, maybe even with equity in our new industries. Environmental quality should be maintained, and all social dialogue around transition should be inclusive. Although surveys have shown that current coal workers are sceptical about having access to new jobs, there should in fact be more jobs in renewable energy than there are in coal. First Nations people should also have opportunities, both as labour and in running their own renewable projects on their own land.

Brad Smith: Climate, Energy, Mining: what NSW needs to do  (9 August 2022)

The Nature Conservation Council has identified the  top 10 goals for the 2023 election: targets for reducing emissions, adopting renewable energy and storage,  moving beyond coal and gas,  and more. Just what must we do, for instance, to electrify our transport, transition rural communities, protect our natural carbon sinks? 

 Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle has helped develop these policy asks. We will be working  in concert with community action groups across the state to push our major parties on ambition in dealing with the climate crisis.

Dr. Brad Smith from NCC presented this policy platform in preparation for the NSW State election coming up next March.

Electrify Everything - and how one household did it. (14 June 2022)

Speakers Kate Minter (Rewiring Australia) and Will Reece (local resident).

Electrifying our cars and our homes is the concrete action Australians can make this decade that will save us money and save our kids' future. But what's involved? 

Both speakers illustrated their talks with PowerPoint presentations: click on the images to view them. 

Cimate Politics in the pub.pptx

Kate Minter surveyed the opportunities and benefits for all of us: installing a heat pump for hot water and for room heating (as well as cooling): replacing a gas stovetop with an electric induction stovetop; and switching to an electric car, all make for more efficient use of electricity, maximising the benefits of rooftop solar or other sources of clean electricity. Also, the local economy benefits from jobs (eg installation).

Electrifying my house.pptx

Will Reece has recently converted his house to all-electric as part of a renovation. He explained the planning and work involved in installing a heat pump for hot water, reverse cycle air conditioning and an induction cooktop, as well as rooftop solar panels.  He also mentioned a couple of small things he might have done differently, and a couple of unexpected benefits.

From truth to truthiness:  political spin in Australia  with Sue Butler - former editor of Macquarie Dictionary. (12 April 2022)

Susan Butler was The Editor of the Macquarie Dictionary, Australia’s national dictionary, from its foundation and from its first edition in 1981 through to the seventh edition in 2017, when she retired as Editor. 

In June 2018, she was made an Officer of the Order of Australia.

What is it to be 'un Australian', what are our 'Australian values', and what are 'vested interests'? 

Thanks to Sue Butler for wittily shedding light on these and other elements of political spin- as politics in Australia goes from truth to truthiness. in an insightful talk at this months CitP.  Sue spoke very sharply on the language of political spin - and its evolution in political Australia. 

Ideas, slogans, utterances, have two sides: denotation - the literal meaning; and connotation - the values attached to the utterance. Half a century ago, Gough Whitlam said "It's time". A sentence that had a literal meaning, but also created a feeling. 

Since then, right around the world, political slogans have become more and more focussed on image and feeling, and less on the actual denoted facts (if any).  Our politicians are retailed to the market as celebrities rather than as possible leaders. 

Enter Scotty from Marketing, and the idea that truthiness, the appeal to the public of what you say, is more important than truth. Sue Butler tracked expressions like "Aussie Battler" from its literal WW1 meaning though to John Howard's usage to include anyone who wanted to better themselves, and Scott Morrison's "if you have a go, you'll get a go". She noted that Scomo himself was unable to explain what that actually meant. Similarly phrases like "How good is that?" referring to anything or anyone from "Aunty Violet and her Welcome to Country" to "Mining", seem to have no literal meaning, but cumulatively build an "image" of the politician (in this case Scomo) who repeats them regularly.
As a dictionary editor, Sue suggested it was generally difficult to control changes in language or meaning, though The Guardian had revised its style guide to use words like Climate Emergency instead of Climate Change to communicate a greater sense of urgency about the topic.

This was a live talk actually "in the Pub" and so there is no Zoom recording. However, a recording of Sue Butler speaking to the Balmain Institute last year on "Weaponising Words" can be seen here.

Climate-friendly Independents: can they make a difference in the election? (8 Feb 2022)


There's a rising number of independent candidates in the coming election: independent of party control, but united in their stand for integrity in government, gender equity, and action on climate change. Our Zoom meeting heard from 3 of them, plus an election analyst who explained the part that preference votes will play in election results. Click on the video to watch - or click below to see a one-minute clip of each candidate making a telling point about their climate policies!

Will fed-up voters really desert the major parties? Can they really unseat sitting Coalition members? Could they hold the balance of power in the next parliament? 

Or will the major parties ramp up their climate policies to fight off the risk of losing votes? 

Climate Fiction - a powerful voice: with author L.A.Larkin (Tues 14 December)

L.A. Larkin’s novels have won her fans all over the world. Praised by the king of crime, Lee Child, Louisa writes edge-of-your-seat stories with lots of plot twists and characters that surprise. Widow’s Island, and her latest crime-thriller, The Safe Place (published 9th November) are available at online bookstores in paperback, e-book and audio book. 

The crime-thriller, Widow’s Island, was inspired by real events: climate scientists who are hounded by cyber trolls, their families intimidated. L.A. Larkin spoke about her background research for her novel, including her conversations with distinguished climate scientists such as Professor Michael E Mann. She described the highly organised work of troll farms, and the impact it had on the personal lives of their targets. 

We were back live in the Pub for this talk, and it wasn't recorded: but she spoke about her book to Robyn Williams on ABC recently: that interview can be seen here on YouTube. 

From Canberra to Glasgow - Richie Merzian (Tuesday 12 Oct)

Richie Merzian is the inaugural Climate & Energy Program Director at The Australia Institute. He is a former Australian Government representative to the UN climate change conference and worked at the Department of Climate Change and the Department of Foreign Affairs for almost a decade on both domestic and international climate and energy agendas. 

Australia's emissions put it in the top 10 per cent of countries and that excludes Australia’s bronze medal as the third largest exporter of fossil fuels. Australia’s oversized carbon footprint contrasts to its modest climate targets.

Richie Merzian introduced the Australia Institute's latest Climate of the Nation report, showing the surge in concern that Australians are feeling over climate change, and their demand for more action. He noted the recent Murdoch publication "Green and Gold", and shared some insights into the shifts in News Limited's position, and probably those of the Morrison Government. 

Greening human transport before 2050  Dr David Mills (Tuesday  10 August)

Dr David Mills OAM, was formerly a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, where he led research and development in a number of solar thermal technologies, and was the co-founder and Chairman of Ausra Inc., which built a novel solar thermal electricity plant in California. More recently he has turned his attention to EVs, having bought one of the first three Teslas to be imported into Australia. 

David Mills surveyed the history and future of Green (mostly electric) transport, from early (c1910) electric cars to futuristic commuter aircraft powered by ducted electric fans. 

Modern humans need transport. 

At this time, we use Fossil-fuelled Cars, Trucks, Trains, Boats and Planes.

They are all deeply destructive.

We are on the cusp of switching to Electric Vehicles, a move which is deeply disruptive.

How did we get where we are,  and what might rational transport look like as we approach 2050? 

Watch the talk and discussion

Tuesday  8 June 6.30 for 7pm

The Merton Hotel, Rozelle

Amanda Tattersall: Building a Powerful Climate Movement

How do we build powerful movements for social and climate change?

Telling stories from across the world and based on first-hand experience in Sydney, Amanda will share cutting edge thinking about what it takes to build people power. From the organising of the Sydney Alliance to the 2019 Hong Kong Protests, this talk moves across a variety of urban battlegrounds: seeking to identify the core lessons about how to involve people in movements and make them powerful.

Dr Amanda Tattersall co-founded and founded the Sydney Alliance, which brought broad-based community organising to Australia. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Sydney University’s Sydney Policy Lab. 

This event was fully booked, but also streamed live on Facebook

If you prefer you can also catch it here on Youtube .

Jonica Newby: Beyond Climate Grief

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Jonica Newby spoke about her latest book Beyond Climate Grief, which includes practical advice from psychological and scientific experts, incredible accounts from everyday heroes and inspiring stories from the climate strike kids, as well as conversations with singer–songwriter Missy Higgins, comedians Charlie Pickering and Craig Reucassel and business leader Mike Cannon-Brookes.

Jonica spoke about a number of emotions, ranging from denial through fear to greed to acceptance and pride. She told how a medical emergency suffered by her partner helped her to understand denial; and then explained that her plans for researching the book were overtaken by the bushfire emergency. She read excerpts from the book where survivors described their harrowing experiences. She explained about acceptance: naming our emotions, changing what we can, and accepting what we can't. And said that ordinary people were heroes, doing what they could, and this was the source of her hope for the future.

We didn't record Jonica's talk: but she spoke about her book at a similar meeting promoted by local bookshop Roaring Stories: that event can be seen here on YouTube.


During 2020 and early 2021 we held meetings by Zoom - and recorded them.

Meeting the Climate Challenge:  Tue 23 February 2021

Brad Smith, Campaigns Director with the NSW Nature Conservation Council explained how NCC's new report Meeting the climate challenge spells out what's needed to reach 100% clean energy by 2030 and to create a safe, liveable climate for people and communities.

Key factors are a lower cost than business-as-usual, and better reliability. The report finds that both are achievable, but the fact that coal is actually going out quicker than anyone expected is among the risks that need to be managed. 

Hydrogen & Renewable Energy: Consider the Possibilities  Tue 8 Dec

Hydrogen is the earth's commonest element. When it is produced using renewable energy or processes, it can be compressed and stored or converted to ammonia, and shipped to where it's needed, for use when it's needed. When it's burnt, it produces just energy and water vapour. No carbon dioxide. But it requires energy to make it in the first place. Nicky Ison, Energy Transition Manager at WWF, and formerly from the Institute for Sustainable Futures, will explain the role of hydrogen in making the fullest use of renewable energy – and the things to watch for. 

How Green is your Money? Tue 13th October

Australian banks, super funds and insurance companies play a major role in propping up polluting industries. How can we use our power as citizens, customers and shareholders to make sure money flows to companies and projects that are not destroying the Earth's capacity to sustain life?

Pablo Brait has dedicated his life over the past decade to speeding up the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. working on community campaigns in Victoria, NSW and Queensland against inappropriate coal and coal seam gas developments and in favour of renewable energy. Currently he is a campaigner with Market Forces, a group that pressures financial institutions to shift money away from fossil fuels .

The session was hosted by ABC Radio's Finance reporter Sue Lannin

Solar Gridlock? Tue 11th August

The grid wasn't designed for input from millions of domestic solar panels. What needs to change so it can take advantage of this source of electricity?

Guest speaker Hugh Saddler is the author of a book on Australian energy policy, Energy in Australia and over 50 scientific papers, monographs and articles on energy technology and environmental policy. He is recognised as one of Australia's leading experts in this field. Hugh's talk showed the contribution of the various methods of electricity generation in Australia, both at present and in the options modelled in AEMO's latest Integrated System Plan. The graphs shown in this video may be viewed here

Dual Crises: Covid-19 & Climate Change, Wed 10 June 

Dan Gocher from the Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility was a first for Climate in the Pub (Home Delivery).  More than thirty people had Climate in the Pub delivered to their homes on Zoom.  Dan's talk, complete with slides, went without a hitch and was very well received.

Past meetings

During 2020 and 2021, some of our meetings were online, and video recordings can be seen above. 
Reports on our earlier meetings (back to 2015) are here.