
2024 Submissions

20241223 CCBR to DCCEEW submission re Narrabri Lateral pipeline.pdf
23 Dec 2024

We urge the Minister to decide that the Narrabri Lateral Pipeline (the Pipeline) is likely to have a significant impact on water resources and on threatened species, and treat it as a controlled action requiring a full environmental assessment concerning its impact on threatened species and water, before being subject to approval by the Federal Environment.

20241208 Mod 8 Extension of time for HVO.pdf
7 Dec 2024

We oppose any extension of time for the applicant to continue operations beyond its current approval. Greenhouse gas emissions are a cumulative problem: delay does not merely postpone reductions, it actually increases total levels in the atmosphere.

20241101 submission to select committee nuclear power DB.docx - Google Docs.pdf
12 Nov 2024

We find that there is no near term prospect of its being appropriate in Australia.  In particular, consideration of it must not delay the urgent decarbonisation of the electricity supply via established low risk methods: wind, solar and various forms of energy storage.

CCBR's Derek Bolton along with several other local climate leaders was invited to a public hearing, and spoke to support our paper, as well as participating in the discussion. Here is a transcript (jump to page  17 for the relevant bit).

2024 08 26 EPA EPL Review of coal mine licencing.docx.pdf
26 Aug 2024

The NSW EPA sought feedback on requirements for coal mines across NSW. We provided responses to specific questions within a strict word limit.

20240806 DCCEW re Boggabri Coal Mine Mod 10 by CCBR.pdf
4 Aug 2024

Submission to DCCEEW: Referral of Boggabri Coal Mine Modification 10 for assessment under the EPBC Act

We oppose the development of this mine for several reasons:

 the proponent is incorrect in denying Mod 10’s impacts on water; the proponent does not have a good record in managing water on its site;   Endangered ecological communities are likely to be adversely affected; and of course, extension of coal mining is incompatible with emissions reduction commitments.

20240726 submission net zero transport.pdf
26 July 2024

We note that the Roadmap deals with savings in each mode of transport separately, and recommend that a sector-wide view should be taken, as well as how the transport sector interacts with the electricity sector.

20240714 CCBR to Senate C'tee re Enviro laws.pdf
14 July 2024

We argue that more significant changes to the present EPBC are needed: in particular we  recommend an expansion of the scope of the reforms to include a climate trigger mechanism, and suggest they change the proposed structure of EPA with a board to increase its independence.

20240321 EV Transition Inquiry submission.pdf
21 March 2024

We made nine recommendations, including a transition to higher fuel excise on heavy vehicles, and then a road use tax, based on axle weight  - both strategies to replace overall reduced revenue from fuel excise. Our submission also recomended European standards for battery recycling and reuse, and that attention should be given also to the role of electric bikes and scooters.

20240305-CCBR Bus Taskforce submission.pdf
5 March 2024

We recommended prioritising the transition to Battery Electric buses, in particular the Inner West fleet based at Leichhardt. A complete transition to Zero-Emission Buses in line with NSW State government’s reductions in transport emissions by 2030 is necessary for NSW to meet its current emissions reduction targets.

20240227 CCBR to DCCEEW re EPBC Act.docx.pdf
27 February 2024

We recommend that advice about the climate change contribution of any action, including Scope 3 emissions, be a mandatory consideration for any approval decisions, and that the Commonwealth government has an international obligation to retain control over Regional Plans, rather than delegating to the States.

20240221 New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) submission - Google Docs.pdf
23 February 2024

We argue that linking permissible vehicle emissions to the mass of the vehicle would remove any incentive to build lighter, more efficient vehicles, and recommend that limits be linked to payloads, not vehicle mass. We also urge that the regulations be implemented at the fastest possible rate.

20240223 NSW Dep Planning re housing.pdf
20 February 2024

We made several energy-efficient recommendations about NSW's plans for low-cost housing. In particular we recommended that BASIX s energy efficiency be extended to all housing, (removing the exemption for dwellings under 6 storeys).

2023 Submissions

13  December 2023

We support the objectives of this voluntary program, and argue for stringent standards to be applied in certification, to maintain both the effectiveness of the program and the recognition that certification indicates an exceptionally high standard of emissions reduction. .

20231113 Future Gas Strategy.pdf
13  November 2023

We propose that advice should be sought from scientists, not the gas industry, and argue that renewable energy projects and provide more secure long-term benefits than gas supply. We propose that a legislated decarbonisation program for Australia can promote energy security, and promote Australia as an attractive trade and investment destination.

16-11-23 CCBR Duty of Care submission.pdf
11 Nov 2023

20231024 CCBR on NSW Climate Change Bill.pdf
24 October 2023

We are very concerned that the pace of change to reduce our emissions is far too slow. We support the massive efforts to shift  our electricity supply to renewables with storage, but the task does not stop there.  This submission sets out our views on these points:

20230630 CCBR Human Rights Act submission.pdf
30 June 2023

A Federal Human Rights framework must protect the rights of climate campaigners, currently being eroded by draconian anti-protest laws introduced in several States.

20230619 NSW Electric ferries Minister for Transport
23 June 2023

Many cities around the world are operating electricity-powered ferries. There are opportunities for Sydney to do the same with its existing and new-built fleet.

20230530 fuel efficiency standard (FES) submission - DB.docx
30 May 2023

Australia's current lax fuel efficiency standards are eroding moves to reduce GHG emissions. Among points we discuss is that counting emissions per kerb weight of the vehicle fails to incentivise use of lighter materials.  (submission from Derek Bolton)

20230220 CCBR on Hunter Valley Operations Continuation Project AM DB-2.pdf
25 February2023

AMong other poitns, we submit that extending any coal mine is incompatible with the urgent need to avoid worsening the climate crisis. We also point to the poor track record of the proponent (Glencore) of corruption, safety and environmental compliance.

2023 02 22 Submission Safeguard Mechanism legislation.pdf
23 February2023

We argued for tightening the requirements to reduce actual emissions and for minimise grounds for exceptions: also called for strong enforcement and audits of measuring and reporting systems.

2022 Submissions

20221123 Federal Environmental review of NSW coal mine approvals.pdf
20221108_IWC EV encouragement Plan_Final_CCBR.pdf
20220411_IWC Cycle Strategy.docx - Google Docs.pdf
20220218 IPC re Narrabri Underground.pdf
20220114 MEG re Royalties for Rejuvenation .pdf

2021 Submissions

20210707 Beetaloo submission SenateCttee.pdf
20210409CCBR IWC car share submission.pdf

2020 Submissions
