A bit of history
Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle
Early years
Like many similar groups Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle began because a few individuals saw a desperate need for change and set out to galvanise many. However, this group differs from others in one respect: CCBR was the first climate change action group in Australia to be run by local residents for local residents.
The seeds of the group were sown in July 2005 at a global warming forum at the Balmain Town Hall. A small group of parents and residents began meeting with a view to creating a local action group. This embryo group was initially nurtured by the environmental organisation the Nature Conservation Council of NSW and began meeting regularly and having a presence at local shopping precincts and markets.
In early 2006, five members of the original working party decided that the most effective way to bring about real change within the local community was to focus their energies on a single key issue and they formed a new, completely non-partisan group. Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle was incorporated on February 3, 2006.
Early activities
With a working party made up of a core of the earliest members, the highly motivated Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle group has a growing local supporter base and has made considerable gains in its short life, including:
• A fundraising dinner which attracted over 70 people and raised more than $3,000
• A letterbox drop of 10,000 postcards to every household in the Balmain/Rozelle neighbourhood introducing the group
• Attracting the attention of established green groups and being approached for advice by other local communities
• Widespread media coverage, including headlines in the Sydney Morning Herald and coverage on the ABC 7.30 report.
• The launch of its Solar Schools project
Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle will continue to concentrate on one of the biggest issues facing the local community - the predilection of governments (both state and federal) for fossil fuels and their support for industries which produce energy from damaging and unsustainable resources, notably coal. As well as lobbying governments, Climate Change will encourage the residents and businesses of Balmain and Rozelle to take their own action by choosing renewable, clean sources of energy.